My portfolio with works of scenography, 3D modeling, website and historical-artistic researches

Movie "Runner" Nicola Barnaba
Scenografie ed altri lavori per il film Runner

Degree thesis
My degree thesis dedicated to the sets of Stanley Kubrick's movie The Shining

Russian throne room
Scenography of a Russian throne room in Empire style

Design for an exhibition stand
Hypothesis of a set-up for the Milan' Salone del Mobile for Artemide
Interior design

A new vintage living room
Project of modification and rearrangement of entrance and living room

An collector's eclectic apartment
Furnishing by combining different styles and objects

Contemporary living room
A contemporary living room with optical illusion effects

A contemporary baroque mansion
A contemporary mansion with a redesigned baroque appearance

Design for an exhibition stand
Hypothesis of a set-up for the Milan' Salone del Mobile for Artemide
Redesign of public spaces

Redesign of a municipal area
Creation of a ceramic park in the city of Squillace (Calabria Region, Italy)
Website and historical-artistic researches
Website and historical-artistic research about the Royal Palace of Caserta

Royal Palace of Caserta
Royal Palace of Caserta: research and restoration project

Park of the Royal Palace of Caserta
Virtual reconstruction of the Royal Palace Park according to the original project by Luigi Vanvitelli
3D reconstructions of monuments

Acropolis of Athens – Reconstruction
The Propylaea and of the Acropolis of Athens return to their original splendor

Park of the Royal Palace of Caserta
Virtual reconstruction of the Royal Palace Park according to the original project by Luigi Vanvitelli
Refurnishiment of monuments

Refurnishing of an ancient Palace
Back the time to the splendor of the 18th and 19th century

Acropolis of Athens – Reconstruction
The Propylaea and of the Acropolis of Athens return to their original splendor

My photos